Hi there, we thought it was about time that we introduced ourselves properly and told you a little bit about our roles and running the business.
We are a small team of women with a passion for jewellery and accessories. We aim to provide you all with elegant and exciting jewellery that doesn't break the bank!
Meet The Owner: Grace
Grace has been running the business for over 4 years now. It all began on Etsy, then a small shop in Newcastle, Uk, and now we have a website! We thought we'd share an insight into each person through visuals...
Meet the Digital Manager of Chic Stories: Hannah
Hi , I'm Hannah, the one writing this blog. My job includes managing the Chic Stories sales, along with our social media, website, Etsy store and blog. I have been working at the company for just over a year!
Meet the Digital Manager of GY Studios: Paige
Paige is responsible for our sister brand, also on our website, GY Studios. Here you will find accessories of all kinds such as tote bags, scarves, socks and more! Paige has also been working at the company for a little over a year. Her job includes, managing GY studio sales, social media, the newsletter and more!
And that's us! Like I said, we are a very small team that all share the same passion and work to bring you your jewellery desires